BGI donates towards street-lighting project in Gbawe

BGI donates towards street-lighting project in Gbawe

BG International (BGI), a US-based real estate development firm with an office in Ghana, has donated $10,000 towards a street-lighting project for the Gbawe community, a suburb of Accra.The donation was made at a durbar held to climax the celebration of the Homowo festival in Gbawe recently.

Mr. Irwin Barkan, Chief Executive Officer of BGI, said the donation was to restart the street-lighting project which began some years ago but was never completed. He promised to provide additional funding for the project “until all the 130 light poles are shining bright at night on the 14 streets and roadways identified in the community.”

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BGI LLC is the only U.S.-based real estate firm currently developing commercial properties in West Africa. BGI LLC was formed in 2011 to establish a permanent presence in West Africa and make strategic commercial and real estate investments in the emerging economies of the whole of Sub-Saharan Africa. BGI is a registered entity in the US and Ghana. Our goal is to demonstrate that American business involvement overseas can be a "win, win, win" game - good for the society, good for those we serve and good for our employees and investors. Reach out if you're interested in learning more about what we do.