BGI and Safe Water Network Provide Safe, Affordable Water for Ghana

BGI and Safe Water Network have joined forces to bring safe, sustainable and locally-owned water infrastructure to Ghana. The goal of this initiative is to produce a sustainable system and network that dramatically improves health and livelihoods within the community, and can be broadly replicated across Ghana, Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond.

Fresh Water Project Details, Ghana Africa

“Together we are solving the challenges to sustainability and refining our model so that access to safe, affordable water will be a reality for millions throughout Ghana. Partners like BGI make achieving this mission a possibility.”

~ Charles Nimako, Director, Africa Initiatives Safe Water Network


  • 80% of all disease in Ghana is caused by unsafe water.
  • 3,000 children die annually from water-related illness.
  • Despite millions of dollars spent addressing Ghana’s water crisis, nearly half of all rural water systems are inoperable.
  • Stable government, infrastructure, and active commercial and public sector with a conducive enabling environment.
Fresh Water Projects in Ghana Africa


See more on our Safe Water Mission, timeline, impact assessment, and other partners who have joined us to Invest in Africa’s Future.

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